Request A Workshop "(Required)" indicates required fields In addition to our scheduled evening workshops at College Library, groups can also request workshops at a time and location that works for them! These workshops can be designed around specific needs, including date and time, duration, location, and content (depending on trainer availability). The most common situations we serve include: Instructors who want to incorporate technology skills into their syllabus but lack the time or technical knowledge to deliver training themselves Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) looking to provide their members tech skills Staff seeking technology training for student employees Small groups of students interested in learning for a class or just for personal interest NOTE: We ask for a minimum of 14 days of notice for custom workshop requests. We may be able to accommodate requests on a shorter timeline than that, but we cannot guarantee availability on shorter notice. Request a Workshop For Your Class or Group Name(Required)Email(Required)PhoneThe phone number where the person requesting the training can be contactedDepartmentThe academic department or student organization this workshop is forAffiliationPlease select the role of the person or group that is requesting this workshop Professor/Faculty Teaching Assistant (TA) Staff Student Organization Individual Student Affiliated CourseIf this workshop is being requested for an academic course, enter the name and number for that course here.Workshop Topic(Required)Select the topic you'd like to request a workshop on for your class or group.Select a topicA Beginner's Guide to ProgrammingAI: First Steps into AIAudacity: Editing Audio with AudacityAudition: Audio Production with Adobe AuditionCSS 1: Styling Web Pages with CSSCSS 2: Website Layout and Responsive Design with CSSCanva: Resume Building with CanvaCool Tools: Tools and Tips To Help You SucceedCreating Your Own Website: Where to Start and What Your Options AreDS120: Design Studies 120DS140: In-Class Help SessionData Privacy: Keeping Your Personal Information Safe in the Digital AgeExcel 1: Introduction to Data Processing with ExcelExcel 2: Boost Your Excel IQ: Mastering FunctionsExcel 2: Data-Driven Excel: Unlocking Insights with Analysis Tools and TechniquesExcel 2: Painting with Numbers: Visualizing Data with ExcelExcel 3: Macros and VBAExploring NLP with Hugging Face and Foundation ModelsGDB: An Introduction to Debugging in C using GDBGitHub: Git and GitHub for BeginnersGodot: Getting Started in GodotHTML: Building Web Pages with HTMLIllustrator 1: Creating Graphics with Adobe IllustratorIllustrator 2: Creating Advanced Graphics and Effects with IllustratorInDesign: Creating Documents with InDesign: Layout and TypeJ202: In-Class Help SessionJavaScript: Building Interactive Websites with JavaScriptMATLAB 1: Introduction to Working with Matrices and ArraysPhotoshop 1: Essential Photo Editing with PhotoshopPhotoshop 2: Portrait Retouching and Color Correction with PhotoshopPowerPointPremiere: Basic Video Editing with Adobe Premiere ProPyTorch: Fundamentals & WorkflowPython 1: Foundational Python for BeginnersPython 2: Boosting Python with Object Oriented Programming MethodsR 2: Data Transformation Mastery: From dplyr to ggplot in RR: Basics of Data Management with RSQL: Introduction to Databases with SQLSketchUp: 3D Modeling Basics with SketchUp FreeSolidWorks: Introduction to SolidWorksTech Talk: Understanding Algorithms and Bias in ModernityUnity: Game Development with UnityiMovieI don't see the topic listed hereWorkshop Topic (other)NOTE: If your desired topic does not appear in the dropdown list above, our ability to fulfill your request will depend on the availability of STS staff who know that software. If we do not have staff available who know the requested topic, we will not be able to fulfill your request.DescriptionDescribe what you would like attendees of this workshop to learn or if there are any specific outcomes you are seeking (e.g. the class's final project is an infographic and I would like them to learn how to build a poster in Illustrator, the students are using Wordpress to create a personal website, etc.)Start TimeThe preferred time for your workshop Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM End TimeWhen your workshop will end. Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM DateThe preferred date you would like to hold this workshopMonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Alternate DateIf your preferred date is not available, another time that would work. Month Day Year Number of StudentsThe number of students who will be attending this training. We request a minimum of 5 students for custom workshops.LocationIf you would like us to try to reserve a space, please choose that option below. PLEASE NOTE: we will do our best to reserve a training space for your session, but we cannot guarantee a room will be available at the time you need. lf you have your own classroom or lab space reserved, please list it in the subsequent field. I would like STS to attempt to find a space to use for this training. I have a location I would like to use Training Location (optional)If you already have a location you'd prefer to use, please list it hereAdditional DetailsPlease include any additional information about your training request that you would like us to know.How did you hear about STS?Where did you first learn about the Software Training for Students service? E-mail promotion From a fellow instructor or student (word of mouth) Computer Kiosks around campus Recommendation from another DoIT Service (e.g. Help Desk, Tech Store) Promotional Email From a campus news article From a trainer during a custom workshop for class Existing customer/I have used STS before