What We Do
At STS, we offer hands-on learning through workshops taught by our student trainers, personalized technology training and support via 1-on-1 appointments, and tailor-made custom training workshops for instructors, student orgs, RA’s, or small groups of students interested in new skills for class or personal projects.
Topics we’re currently supporting include Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Audition, Excel, R, Python, Intro To Programming, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, WordPress, and more!
If you have a suggestion for a topic you’d like to see us cover, let us know.
All services provided by STS are available to any UW-Madison student, free of charge!
Software Training for Students (STS) is part of DoIT Academic Technology.
Help Us Help You!
If you are interested in taking part in individual interviews and/or focus groups about how STS can support your experience as a student, enter your email address below and we will reach out to you with additional details when there are opportunities to participate this semester.
DesignLab's training sessions and 1-on-1 consultations help you achieve effective, aesthetically-pleasing designs on all kinds of projects: research posters, video essays, podcasts, and more

UW-Madison Libraries
Most STS services are available on the second floor of College Library, but we encourage you to explore the many other services available through UW-Madison Libraries - online, on campus and beyond.