A smart-looking female student with cool glasses and a funky scarf helps a handsome and focused student with a technology issue. People helping people!

1-on-1 Help

1-on-1 Help

If you have specific technology questions or prefer more individualized learning, STS also provides 1-on-1 help!

Our trainers are available for to support you with class assignments, personal projects, or anything in between.

Request Appointment

Service Guidelines

At STS we do our best to provide technology training and support to help UW-Madison students succeed with their academic work and personal projects, but there may be situations where we aren’t able to help students with their specific requests.

Trainers CAN:

  • Answer general questions and provide tutoring-style support on technology tools, concepts, ideas, and topics related to course work or personal projects
  • Teach introductory and foundational skills of a software. Trainers may be able to provide training on more advanced skills if they fall within the trainer’s scope of knowledge.
  • Answer specific questions within their scope of knowledge that relate to software, technology, and programming
  • Attempt to help you research topics and questions that are outside their scope of knowledge
  • Provide referrals to other campus resources when necessary

Trainers CANNOT:

  • Complete assignments or provide specific answers for you on course work
  • Assist with quizzes or take-home exams
  • Guarantee knowledge of subject matter that is not tech-related (e.g. how statistics work, UX design)
  • Provide comprehensive training on an entire area of knowledge (i.e. teach you everything covered in Computer Science 300)
  • Guarantee effective design-related opinions when asked (but DesignLab can!)
  • Help students use ChatGPT or other generative AI tools for academic coursework unless it is specifically required for the assignment

Please remember that our trainers are students themselves, and their availability may be affected by things like exams and class assignments. We will do our best to accommodate all reasonable requests, but we cannot guarantee that STS will be able to help with every situation.

We reserve the right to deny access to our services for abuse, harassment, or other unreasonable behavior, and depending on severity, such behavior may be escalated to campus authorities.

Drop In Help

We have STS trainers available Monday – Friday at DesignLab!

Drop in for quick answers to your questions about specific apps or tools or to get help on an assignment.

Click here to view the full schedule of office hours.

College Library, 2nd floor
Across from the front desk, in rear corner of DesignLab.

Request 1-on-1 Appointment

To request a 1-on-1 appointment, please fill out the fields below with as much detail as you can.

Please enter the email address we should use when following up with you
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Please enter the email address we should use when following up with you
What software, application, or general tech topic would you like help with?
Please describe the issue you are encountering or explain what you'd like help with.
Preferred Format(Required)
If you have worked with one of our trainers in the past and would like to meet with them again, please choose their name from the dropdown list below.
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